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Tale of a Lost Cellphone, and Untold Static

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 2:33 am
by VLSmooth
Tale of a Lost Cellphone, and Untold Static
The New York Times; Nicholas Confessore wrote:Three weeks ago, Mr. Guttman went on a quest to retrieve a friend's lost cellphone, a quest that has now ended with the arrest of a 16-year-old on charges of possessing the missing gadget, a Sidekick model with a built-in camera that sells for as much as $350. But before the teenager was arrested, she was humiliated by Mr. Guttman in front of untold thousands of people on the Web, an updated version of the elaborate public shamings common in centuries past.
After that whets your appetite

How NOT to steal a SideKick II

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 3:24 am
by quantus
Heh, dumb. Also, anyone who uses mySpace or a public LJ is just asking for this sort of treatment from someone eventually.