
pew pew pew
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Post by Jonathan »

No beta until January 1.

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Re: Wish

Post by Peijen »

Dwindlehop wrote:No beta until January 1.

Oh well, give me enough time to get a new computer.

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Post by Peijen »

Weee, it's interesting so far, but the game is no different starting out than any other game so it's too early to say.

In town travel is actually pretty cool. You find the nearest guard, tell it who you want to find, and you automatically run to that person. Of course this only apply to npc. Pretty close to our teleport system for in town travel.

Combat will take a bit more effort to get use to. Your character will not auto attack! You have to issue very single action for your character. I guess it's a step towards twitch combat. I still find myself staring at the action bar to know when I can execute the next attack rather than enjoying the graphics after 20 minutes of combat.

KICK IS THE GREATES THING EVER. Nothing special about it except the fact that you can KICK, hehehe. It's a useful attack when you are waiting for your other skills to cool down.

Gathering is pretty easy, you equip the right tool, duoble click on the resource, and you will keep gathering stuff until the resource dries up.

Also, when you attack a creature, other creatures of the same type will come to it's aid!! Damn my training trip, I want to play more!!!

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Post by Jonathan »

I want an interruptable queue of moves.

I haven't played yet because they haven't told me my account has been activated. Or should I just try logging in?

Did you upgrade your computer? How's the lag and server pop? Is the combat interesting, or "Hit CTL+A every 5 seconds"?

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Post by Peijen »

I did have a new computer, unfortunately it's dead and I have to send the MB back to be replaced. Before I left on Sunday on a business trip there was no noticeable lag, and everything was nice. When I got back, my new computer is dead so I have to play on my old computer. I am not sure if it's because they activated more accounts or my old computer just sucks, but at lowest setting and no sound it's a bit sluggish. Server population is increasing and so is lag...

I can't tell if combat is interesting as oppose to 'new' since I only played a little bit of combat and I only have 3 moves (axe swing, axe slash, and KICK). But the trainer there seems to be more interesting moves (attack of oppertunity, parry and stun) I can learn once I made some money to buy new moves. I am getting better at not staring at my action bars and can actually be looking at the overall screen while remember to hit the right action keys. There is currently no move queue, so it's kind of "Hit CTL+A every 5 seconds", but it's not too bad once you get a feeling of your moves.

Again I must say skill based game is the better idea for MMORPG. I pick axe/shield/cleric/forage, I can kick ass and heal, and when I run into correct resource type I can pick them for my spells. I am going to pick up raise dead next and I will even be desirable for grouping.

My old computer has AMD XP 1700+, 512 MB ram, Geforce Ti300, so the game is playable at low requirement, but I won't be playing it on that kind of computer if I had the choice.

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Post by Peijen »

Oh, if they haven't send you email than your account is probably not activated yet, but it won't hurt to try. PM me if you can't wait, I will sent you my account information and you can play late at night when I am sleeping.

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Post by Dave »

I always hated playing Betas, the littlest things annoy me and make me uninstall them.

Shadow Bane Beta: Ran around for a while, didnt do shit, uninstalled.

Horizon's Beta: NPC didnt appear graphically, uninstalled.

Guild Wars: I actually liked and played for a few days.

WoW Beta: Didnt like the Night Elf melee combat stance, uninstalled.

Of course, I am playing WoW now, just not a NE. It really is THE PERFECT MMORPG for you casual gamers (which I think is everyone on this board). I can play for an hour, then get called for a scrim, quit wow, and not really care.

gogog wowo go!
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Post by Jonathan »

Single-player RPGs are ideal for my casual player self, too. I just haven't heard anything about WoW that makes me want to pay them money. I'd want to PVP if I bought it, but I'd have to level 2tehmax so I wouldn't get ganked every ten minutes.

Wish sent me the download link and a message saying that they're activating accounts slowly. I probably won't play it until tomorrow morning at the earliest, anyway. Maybe they'll send me my activation by then.

Do you get to choose a starting location? What town are you in, Peijen?

What's the difference between swing and slash? Also, how's the skill system work? Is there a degradation over time like UO or a cap or what?

Did they do spell components?

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Post by Alan »

Yeah, it really is the perfect MMORPG for the casual gamer. As Dave can attest, I usually play for like 30 minutes to an hour at a time, completing maybe one quest or something.

However Jonathan's also right in that this type of playing style doesn't really justify paying $15 a month to do.

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Post by Dave »

yah, I remember we wanted to come up with a game so that we could all still game online together sometimes and the best we came up with at the time was FFXI. I didnt even know/care about FFXI until that Mohtalim thread lol, and look at where that got me. :roll:
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Post by Peijen »

Do you get to choose a starting location? What town are you in, Peijen?
One of the dwarf city, Courok.
What's the difference between swing and slash? Also, how's the skill system work? Is there a degradation over time like UO or a cap or what?
One is slashing and one is crushing damage. Beside that it has different animation and I can do one while waiting for the other one to cool down. I am not exactly sure how the skill system works. I think you can max all the skills but you can have only so many ability points thus limit your options through number of actions you can perform. Skill doesn't decrease over time.
Did they do spell components?
Yes, and attack spell is not a guaranteed hit either.
Last edited by Peijen on Tue Jan 04, 2005 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Peijen »

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Post by Jonathan »

The formations sound cool, but it's too bad they aren't implemented for PVP.

Different damage types are good, too. Six is a good start (Piercing, Slashing, Crushing, Cold, Heat and Electricity), but I say more is better. The more-you-use-a-skill-the-less-effective-it-is system is interesting, but I think a better system would have a rock-paper-scissors thing going on, like using a Piercing style makes you susceptible to Slashing but lets you beat up on Crushing.

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Post by Jonathan »

Training in Divine Magic or Natural Magic disallows training in Necromancy or Sorcery.
That's... interesting. I can be a tank mage or a tank cleric, but not a mage/cleric.
At any time, you may choose to 'untrain' a profession in order to make room for a new one.
They got that right, at least.

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Post by Jonathan »

Got my activation, but my wireless router mysteriously crapped out on me. I can't turn it on anymore.

I probably won't play until the weekend, after I can get to Fry's. Seems like that's okay, though, since they're planning two more beta phases (a closed one, 2.5 and an open one, 3.0). I'll install and play this one so I have a shot at the closed beta, but I doubt I'll spend much time messing with Beta 2.

Their forum does say that even the new models in the game are not the final retail models.

Looks like more of an alpha test, really, but I guess with an unproven server technology there's really no choice but to test early.

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Post by Peijen »

Cancelled!!! Damn that sucks, I would have enjoyed this game.

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Post by Alan »

Dear friends of Wish:

Unfortunately we have bad news.

After careful consideration of all the facts and analyzing all the data which we have gathered from the Wish Beta 2.0 test so far, we have decided to cancel the Wish project.

Our Beta test will end this evening at 6pm EST, and at this time our Beta forums will close as well.

We enjoyed working together with our fans very much, and we are very sorry about this development. We wish you the best of luck in the future, and hope that you continue to enjoy online gaming, even with Mutable Realms and Wish not being available anymore.

We also wish the best luck to our competitors, and hope that they will not suffer the same fate as us.

Best regards,
Your Mutable Realms Team
So what do you think triggered the decision?

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Post by Dave »

Probably an oversaturated MMORPG market.
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Post by Peijen »

Bad planning on their part. Their live content, which is very nice, will cost too much if they have very little subscriber. The game is playable and in six month it might be even ready for release, but there are still lots of feature they claim they will have and I don't see it get implemented within the time frame. Also, the live content is too hard to maintain. The players stopped their story dead quite a few times (every DM should know what it's like, "why won't you fuckers just surrender!!"), and they have to rework some stories, I would assume that is costly timewise.

There might also be internal politics that they are not telling.

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Post by Peijen »

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