Hard Drive "Quieting"

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Tenth Dan Procrastinator
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Hard Drive "Quieting"

Post by VLSmooth »

Posting my response to a question I received in case others want to read/comment. This forum also provides formatting options and accessibility.
Anonymous wrote:Do you have any ideas on how to quiet the Harddrive? My father-in-law has been here all this weekend and he says that he thinks the loudest thing in his case right now is the harddrive.
Random: Jonathan needs to install superscript and subscript bbcode mods!

Quick realistic solution:

Don't bother "quieting" the current hard drive. Buy a Western Digital Green Power (WDGP) hard drive (footnote1), backup, and re-install everything. This might sound painful, but I think it's the best solution overall.

Detailed Response:

First, here's an interesting link for the do-it-yourselfer:
silentpcreview: Hard Drive Silencing: Sandwiches & Suspensions

Approaches to quiet a current hard drive:
  • (1) Increase insulation to absorb noise
  • (2) Reduce hard drive vibration
(1) is typically achieved by:
  • (1a) Using/Buying a Better Case
    Better cases like the Antec P182 (spcr | newegg) have very good insulation and a multi-chamber design. This would cost more than buying a WDGP and require more physical effort transplanting all your components than replacing your old hard drive.
  • (1b) Adding Insulation
    Sound proofing materials (AcoustiPack) can be installed in an old case, but it's expensive and can negatively affect cooling. In my humble opinion, this isn't worth the hassle, especially when custom fitting/cutting the foam.
(2) is typically achieved by:
  • (2a) Rubber Grommets
    These cushion the connection between the hard drive and the surrounding case. Adding rubber grommets really depends on your current hard drive enclosure, but chances are good that if your case doesn't already support them, you're out of luck.
  • (2b) Hard Drive Suspension
    This involves literally suspending hard drives with rubber or cloth straps in hopes of absorbing all vibration. Hard drive suspension is generally a do-it-yourself affair (see the above interesting link), unless you have a rare case like the Antec Solo which provided cloth strap hard drive suspension as a standard feature. I currently use the Antec Solo case since the P182 wasn't out at the time.
Hope that helps,

footnote1: related links

Tenth Dan Procrastinator
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Post by VLSmooth »

Also, I thought I made a post about Western Digital's Green Power drives when I built Chuck's computer (since that's what I used).

Guess I was wrong :/

Feel free to prove that I'm wrong about being wrong though!

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Post by Jonathan »

I have an Antec Solo and a the cheapest SATA 250GB drive at newegg, and it is well below my noise floor. The suspension mounting is the key to eliminating noise. I think any reasonable stab at a not-stupid-loud drive will work fine (i.e. you can keep your current disk).

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