Anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

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Tenth Dan Procrastinator
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Anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Post by VLSmooth »

Anime News Network: Quick Info
Anime News Network wrote:Genres: Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Mecha, Science Fiction, Slice of Life

Plot Summary: In their closed-off underground village, Kamina and Simon chafe at the limits imposed by the village elder. Yet all this will change, when Simon stumbles across a fantastic device - just as the village's peace is broken by a violent intrusion.

Number of Episodes: 27
Personal Opinion:
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann (TTGL) is simply the best anime series I've seen this year, possibly this decade. The plot summary is intentionally vague to prevent spoilers, but let it be known that this series epitomizes the word "epic" in both scope and pacing. For those familiar with Neon Genesis Evangelion, TTGL can be considered its antithesis. Goodbye emo and pathetic characters. Hello amusing absurdity, inspirational speeches and general awesomeness. Always energetic, and at times frantic, the series rarely pulls any punches as it barrels through its 27 episode run. Each episode was crafted with care, making both sporadic and marathon viewing enjoyable, even with repeated viewings (exception, episode 4). The eclectic mix of music, ranging from rousing and somber orchestral scores to heavy metal and rap to even opera, supplements the engaging content surprisingly well. Highly recommended.

Random term associated with characters from TTGL: Gar
Urban Dictionary wrote:Gar: A term used towards male characters and individuals who are so overwhelmingly manly that your own masculinity is absolutely *buried*, leaving you naught but a whimpering, swooning girl-child before them.

Originated in 4chan's /a/ board. A poster was describing his feelings towards the Fate/Stay Night character Archer, and mistyped "gay" as "gar".
Miscellaneous quotations:
Many wrote:Epic...
Manly tears!
Jason Miao wrote:Gurren Lagann also has two phrases headed to AoMM’s Phrase Pantheon… “My drill is a drill that pierces the heavens!” and “Who the fuck do you think I am?” will be joining the already inducted “I make the impossible possible,” “Men are potatoes,” and “You are just homo gay side characters.”...

There actually is a term for this type of storytelling. “Coital.” As in it starts slowly, and then really turns up the heat.
Unknown wrote:I shat bricks of solidified manliness...
Did Gainax just break the universe?
Edited "spoiler-free" reviews:

Blog: Random Curiosity: Gurren Lagann - 27 (END) (mass spoilers in link)
Omni wrote:Final Thoughts: I originally approached this show with a great deal of skepticism, some of it due to the Sunday morning timeslot this was airing in. Looking back at it now, that sounds really naive since Gurren Lagann turned out to be my favorite series that started in this past spring season. The word “epic” gets tossed around a lot, but I really think that it’s applicable here. Not only was this show incredible from an animation quality point of view, the story just kept growing in scale... Add to that all the memorable characters and inspiring moments, and I have no problem calling this the must-see show of 2007.
Blog: Wakaranai: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Review
Wakaranai wrote:——–
Rating: A+

Only on the rarest of occasions does an anime come along that truly grabs me and elevates itself above mere entertainment and into the realms of gripping television. Gurren Lagann did this with frightening ease, not with complexity or depth of its storyline, nor with its technical excellence, or innovation, but with its boldness, energy, sense of humor, and heart. Some people may be put off with the degree of silliness the show never ceases to deliver, or at least be deterred from becoming deeply invested in the plot or its characters, but being the sucker for just this kind of shameless splendor and over-the-top theatrics, I took to it with enthusiasm, and came out of it with a strong sense of appreciation for the fun that the show delivered from week to week. Gurren Lagann is the kind of series that you may scoff at while you’re watching it, or laugh at its unapologetically ridiculous antics, but which still leaves you craving the next episode. I became so swept up in the show’s passion and heavy-handed charm that I quickly learned to turn my brain off and just go along with the ride. And this is how Gurren Lagann is best enjoyed, with an open-mind and a desire to sit back and enjoy yourself; if you can’t refrain from cynicism or pretentiousness, you likely won’t enjoy the show. I also recommend that the series is not watched as marathon fodder, in fact I’m not sure you can truly capture the same experience if you missed out on watching it on a week-by-week basis.

But the show is not just for action junkies and comedy fanatics; it may have more than its share of explosion-riddled skies, sexual innuendo and... mecha, but more than that the show is somehow able to endear the viewer to its characters through all the furore and anarchy of the plot - and it is not afraid to cash in on that either. The characters are all really fun to watch, each of them flamboyant and charismatic in their own peculiar way, and on top of that, the series weaves in a good amount of sincere character development almost without the viewer noticing... More than being a likable gang, the characters are used to great dramatic effect; the show has a number of dramatic peaks over its course that won’t easily fade from my memory...

Furthermore, the story itself, while inarguably simplistic, revolves around a strong moral core, with themes that are challenging at times and rousing at others. The use of metaphor is vastly overdone, but revelations further into the show made me appreciate... (it) a bit more. My actual interest in the plot varied throughout the series, starting off quite high with the intrigue of the mysterious new world... The pacing is probably my biggest complaint for the show, as the constant action, ironically, became tedious at times, particularly in the build-up to the climactic episode 15. The show may always have a sense of fun, but it is inconsistently gripping.

The animation, episode 4 aside (whose director was later fired - although that’s another story), is brimming with vigor and vitality; it is not always consistent, and rarely very detailed, but it seems to adjust itself to the mood of the show in a very unsubtle but fitting manner. There were a number of blatant shortcuts that were used during many of the battle sequences that I couldn’t help but notice, but given the ‘epic’ nature of the show, it is difficult to expect top-class animation right the way through. At times, the art and animation are genuinely amazing, and there is no denying that this was an ambitious and costly undertaking by the usually self-preservational GAINAX. An extra boost of cel detail would have welcome but probably impractical from a budgetary perspective.

The music for the show is much like the show itself, in that it’s hard to take seriously, but it is unavoidably engaging. Rather than cinematic type of score work, the show is packed with insert songs and a handful of key piece of theme music. I am appreciative of the way the music was distributed throughout the series, with new music being added to the mix right up until the end. This prevented it from stagnating. A few of the tracks are stand-out pieces of music, and are used in the show to give it a genuine boost of captivation and emotion. In particular, the main heroic theme of the show never fails to rouse me into a high-spirited love for the series.

At times powerful, almost always senselessly fun, and with a strong moral core top its themes and story, Gurren Lagann is the highlight of 2007, and an anime worthy of anyone’s viewing. Far from flawless, yet somehow rarely flawed, this anime series is inexplicably lovable for those who are easily hooked in by unsubtle fun. Gurren Lagann has something for everyone, and as such I recommend it to everyone. However, I think it appeals more directly to a male audience with its badassery and male hero role models.

Tenth Dan Procrastinator
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Post by VLSmooth »

Dave and Chuck may also be able to weigh in although I'm not sure how many episodes they've watched.

By the way, it can be a real pain in the ass writing about a series without spoiling.

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Post by Dave »

I liked the 1st few episodes better. Now its just kinda "yay robots"
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Post by VLSmooth »

Did you finish it yet?

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Post by Dave »

Of course not. But at least the intro music is nice.
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Post by VLSmooth »

I'm a fan of Sky Colored Days (opening song), but it's often overshadowed by the awesomeness that is Rap is a Devil of a Man! Perk Up Your Earholes and Listen REAL Close to the Theme of Lord Kamina, the Man of Raging Billows Who Believes in Himself and Points to Heaven!!.
do the impossible
see the invisible
row! row!
fight the power!

touch the untouchable
break the unbreakable
row! row!
fight the power!

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Post by Vyrosama »

episode 4 really turned me off, I was never into all that excel saga's just too random and bizarre to be funny most of the time. I could totally see myself loving this comedy in college but nowadays...I look for a certain X factor in anime and this just doesn't have it :P . Don't get me wrong, this anime which I cannot remember how to pronounce or spell has great production value, soundtrack and overall story arc but I never really got attached to the characters (probably because I can't take them seriously) nor did it have any of those annoying yet must watch next episode cliffhangers to keep me interested. It's definitely casual watching material in my book (i.e. I'll finish it...eventually if I'm bored or have nothing else better to watch...sort of like...Noir...ha ha ha....)

...and let the vinny flaming begin.......


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Post by VLSmooth »

VLSmooth wrote:The animation, episode 4 aside (whose director was later fired - although that’s another story)
Well, fired might be a bit harsh. It was a guest director that was never invited back.

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Post by VLSmooth »

Vyrosama wrote:I look for a certain X factor in anime... nor did it have any of those annoying yet must watch next episode cliffhangers to keep me interested.
Watch at least through ep8, that's the end of the 1st of 4 arcs.

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Post by VLSmooth »

Some relevant quotations:

Kaylia wrote:
since everyone say the beginning sucks

VLSmooth wrote:
Come again? Interest is in the mind of the beholder (go go subjectivity!), but with the exception of ep4 (guest director), I've haven't heard anyone saying the beginning sucks...

Kaylia wrote:
...Why I stopped watching after 7 episode? It's hard to say exactly. I was expecting a comedy with giant robot, and it's not quite what I got. It's not funny enough to make me laugh, but it's not serious enough to keep me interested or make me cares about the story. I need a sad scene, a love story, a weird backstory or something like that to keep my attention, but there was nothing of the sort in the 7 episodes I watched (except for the 2min he spent with his "father"). Ep4-5-6 episodic content killed the mood badly for me, because they prevent any sort of progress.

Problem isn't that I hated the show or anything, I just I didn't care enough about the story/character to watch next episodes.

Zilong wrote:
For the love of god, watch episode 8.

Simonzene wrote:
Kaylia... watch episode 8 or...

VLSmooth wrote:
Point taken. Perhaps the undertones were too subtle or simply overshadowed by the sheer abundance of GAR :o

Meriandle wrote:
Oh God, please watch episode 8. Think of the children! It starts a spiral of GAR that builds for 3 episodes and culminates in one of the most breathtaking speeches/ownings I have ever seen.

Priran wrote:
1-3 were FUCK AWESOME, 4-7 sucked, 8 was awesome, nia hijack was meh, 11 and on are really what make the show.

Kaylia wrote:
Watched 7-8-9 tonight (thought I was on 8 earlier). I was kinda expecting it, but it's still awesome. There is still many little thing that annoys me about the series, but if they manage to keep a similar pace, it should be good.

Kaylia wrote:
I watched the rest of the series today (10-23) and they were prety damn good. I liked how the story evolve from the first episode to the current story arc. Start small, and eventually take epic proportion without dragging it over 200 episodes. The way story progress reminded me of <snip spoilers>


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Post by Dave »

Yea, like the new season of Heroes so far... lame! I'd kinda like watching House better. I'll finish this anime eventually, probably just to free HD space!
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Post by Jason »

Dave wrote:Yea, like the new season of Heroes so far... lame! I'd kinda like watching House better. I'll finish this anime eventually, probably just to free HD space!
Yes heroes is very lame and developing really way too slowly. The cool thing about the first season was the pace.

House is just odd now. It's like they wanted to add new people, but they couldn't fire the old ones. Also, I can't look past the newbies from their previous roles. I mean comon, how can you not see Kal Penn as Kumar?

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Post by Jonathan »

Kal Penn is on House now? OMG!

You are right, they should write his character as Kumar and keep it set in the Harold & Kumar continuity.

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Post by Vyrosama »

I was watching Akira last night and it just reminded me of Sylar's power of telekinesis...or maybe it was Elfen Lied.....

Yea the new season of Heroes is totally lame...they need a new badass villain like magneto or someone who's trying to protect the mutants for the humans and start a revolution....oh wait...

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Post by Dave »

Kumar should have punched Superman, that would have made him immortal.
It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but it doesn't take any to just sit there with a dumb look on your face.

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Post by Dave »

Dear god, I watched the latest episode of Heroes, and I just want to

a) shoot Mohinder
b) shoot the mexicans.
c) shoot Claire's creepy friend
d) shoot Slyar
e) shoot Peter
f) shoot Ando

At least Dexter is somewhat interesting.
It takes 43 muscles to frown and 17 to smile, but it doesn't take any to just sit there with a dumb look on your face.

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Re: Anime: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

Post by VLSmooth »

Anime News Network: Gurren Lagann Listed on America's Sci Fi Channel on July 28 (Updated) (link)
Anime News Network wrote:posted on 2008-05-19 11:04 EDT

First television airing listed in North America for Gainax anime

The Sci Fi Channel in the United States lists two episodes of the Gurren Lagann science-fiction anime series on July 28 at 11:00 p.m. ET/PT during the first hour of the Ani-Monday programmng block. Bandai Entertainment announced in April that it had acquired Hiroyuki Imaishi and Gainax's anime, after ADV Films had announced Gurren Lagann last July but then removed the anime from its catalog. Both Bandai Entertainment itself and its newly hired producer Toshifumi Yoshida had indicated that he would be working on the localization for this anime on an accelerated schedule for July.

Source: a geek by any other name

Image © Gainax/Aniplex, KDE-J, TV Tokyo, Dentsu

Update: On Sunday afternoon, MetatronM noted the Sci Fi listing of Gurren Lagann on ANN's boards.

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