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CRC errors

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:13 pm
by Jonathan
Amber's laptop is throwing up error messages indicating CRC problems when I try to move or copy certain files. It's reproducible. There doesn't seem to be any great pattern that I can detect.

When it attempts to access one of these files, the disk spins for a a solid minute and forward progress slows to a crawl on all tasks, not just the process doing the copying.

Trying to decide what to do. Options:
1. Junk it and buy a MacBook.
2. Replace the hard drive, reinstall Windows.
3. Clean the hard drive and reinstall Windows.
4. XP System restore.
5. Virus scan.
6. Run chkdsk (I did this already... no errors detected.)
7. Combination of the above.

Thoughts? Slightly more than half her data was backed up before the problems started happening (backup kept timing out on The Sixth Sense). Since it started, I backed up all her iTunes (except the several dozen files that have CRC errors), some of her mp3s, all her records, and most of her classwork (minus three articles with CRC errors). Obviously she's still in class, so speedy resolution is paramount.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:20 pm
by Jonathan
She's already pretty sold on the MacBook solution. I was hoping her laptop would hold on until their next OS revision before we shelled out the dough, but oh well.

Mac guys: how much is the student discount price on Office for Mac?

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 10:25 pm
by Alan
I vote for 1.

I think I remember getting Office Student Edition for $99 a couple years ago. And then when I started at school here they had Office Professional for $10 because they had a volume license with Microsoft. But that doesn't help you.

So yeah, I think it was $99 for me.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 11:58 pm
by Jonathan
I'll get Amber to check if Portland State has a discount.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:35 am
by quantus
If Oregon St. has a site license, it'll be $15 for a copy...

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:48 pm
by Jonathan
??? And who is going to Oregon State?

We paid full student price: $149-$15 rebate. Ouch.

Ah, there's a Mac in the house! It's so shiny.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:00 pm
by Dave
I still use CMU's norton AV since it's still valid to get auto-updates with that install file.

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 7:08 pm
by bob
Happy Thanksgiving!

CMU computer store raised the prices. I think it's as high as $20 for Office now, plus tax. Office Mac, Office XP, and Windows are all probably the same price, or at least very similar prices. I like my Macs*, so I vote for the MacBook. You can of course also dual boot with Boot Camp; I have not tried this.

*my primary reasons:
1. Much better than Windows for general software development
2. Network/virus security
3. The iLife media creation tools are really nice for what they are

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:31 pm
by Jonathan
We got the $1299 MacBook @ $1199 with student discount. And then blew it on Office for Mac.

Things to dislike:
Firefox focus bug with hitting tab to complete forms. (Fixed, but pita).
Having to pay the Microsoft tax.

Things to like:
Mag power connector.
Bouncy dock icons.

If OS 10.5 blows the pants off things, we might get it. I daresay Apple will come out with a lighter notebook in 2007, but I think we're pretty happy with the current MacBook's hardware.