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Fusion Links

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2007 10:45 pm
by VLSmooth
Mentioned this to George a during Peijen's birthday party. I wonder how much validity this has, if any.

Here are the links:When googling for the above, I managed to find some more recent fusion talks. I think this is related (since the Navy funding link matches) but I haven't read/watched these links
  • Slashdot : 2007-10-27 : Focus Fusion On Google Tech Talks
    Slashdot Comment wrote:Asked a Plasma Physicist About This (Score:5, Interesting)
    by BlackGriffen (521856) Alter Relationship on Saturday October 27, @05:41PM (#21143503)
    He said it was crackpot. I didn't try to get him to go into details, but he basically mentioned the same stuff you did - stellarators, etc. What's more, there is the crack-pottery in the clip about how all the people in the field are in a conspiracy to deny his idea funding. I know these people - you might find some or even a majority who would be so unscrupulous, but nowhere near enough to maintain such a conspiracy. So, I would tend to think that you're right.

    Basically, this guy is probably guilty of exactly what he accuses the rest of the fusion community of - he's fixated on his idea. He apparently won funding from the navy [], so there's a chance his group could prove me wrong, and I hope that they do, but I doubt it.
  • Google TechTalk : 2007-10-03 : Focus Fusion: The Fastest Route to Cheap Clean Energy ( 1:04:05)
  • Focus Fusion Home Page