STIM fights

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Jonathan »

Went through 6-C last night. They had a pretty shit camp up, but they did have a Dramiel with snakes. I still think that way is a good way to go, but be forewarned you may not be the fastest ship on grid.

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Alan »

I spent about an hour yesterday evening flying a Stiletto and a Jaguar into TXW (still waiting on logi contract to be completed). On my way back in the Jag saw a newb in a Coercer on dscan, found him ratting at a belt and killed him: ... l_id=82451

Wasn't much of a challenge but that's my first solo kill! Using this fit: ... l_id=74246

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Jonathan »

Finding a target is like 80% of the fight. Nice!

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Alan »

Jonathan wrote:Finding a target is like 80% of the fight. Nice!
Is there a good guide somewhere that outlines what targets should be engaged in a tight orbit vs keeping at specific ranges? With AC falloff if I load Barrage S I suppose I could engage at the limit of scram range some targets, and maybe that's better? Like if I face a blaster-fit ship for instance?

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Jonathan »

:wink: Namamai might have. Or Proxay or Cerui. I myself have never seen such a thing.

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Jonathan » Vote Ripard early! Vote Ripard often!

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Jonathan »

Looks like pBump's first kill went down at 0342, which presumably is around the time that he committed his forces. Did you hold point on your Zealot for 5 minutes? If so, you should have called the point so someone could primary him. If not, then what were you doing?

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Alan »

I didn't hold point for 5 minutes, I was chased off the field twice before I died. I did not call my points, which I will be doing next time - but each time before I called it I started taking heavy damage and needed to warp out. My performance was definitely pretty weak - I felt like it took me several seconds to register what was going on before reacting in any way, and each time by the time I could react it seemed like my only choice was to leave the field or die.

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Jonathan »

It's not necessarily weak. 30 is a big fight, and some ceptors are going to die. Not getting baked immediately is a good deal. Particularly with GROON's fleet comp; about the only thing more deadly to ceptors that you'd see regularly is Zealot fleet. Hostile Rapiers and Lokis on field are bad news for ceptors.

It's unfortunately hard to tell if you were getting killed by Aloe Cloveris's guns or drones from the killmail. If you were getting rocked by Hammerheads, though, those are not fast drones. In a wide orbit you can definitely outrun them in that fit. A Zealot is going to fuck a ceptor up, particularly a shield tanked one. Several massed Zealots pose a tough nut for an interceptor to crack. A Proteus with that Offensive subsystem has almost as much range as the Zealot and probably more tracking. You just ran into a fleet which is tough to tackle.

It's really hard to keep track of yellow boxes during these larger fights. It's a failure of the UI. I usually sort by distance and keep an eye on everything closer to me; anything farther away falls into my "ignoring that" bucket. In this kind of fight I want to be zoomed way out, like 100km out, and see if anything is drifting away from his compadres. Pointing someone who is not in the center of mass of enemy dps is a good way to hold point.

If you have friendly shield reps and links on field, then sometimes a tight orbit with MWD off around FC or primary tackle (like an Arazu) is your best damage mitigation. Armor reps are pretty shit at keeping up interceptors, especially shield tanked ones, but shields reps can hold if you keep your distance. With links up, your long point has good range, particularly if overheated. You can stay within center of mass of friendly dps and apply your point that way.

In this kind of fight, against cruisers, I definitely will break orbit and zoom off out of lock range rather than warp. If warping is necessary, you definitely want to drop a safe just before coming out of warp so if you warp off again you can do so to a closer point. When zooming against this many hostiles you need to spiral a bit to keep up your transversal, but often you can just head straight out, especially if you are overheated already.

In a big furball, I don't normally try for a scram at all. If there's a Falcon or Scimitar trying to pull range, then maybe it is justified, but by and large there's just no way to apply scram safely.

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Jonathan »

Definitely I would zoom in and point something, anything, straight away. Call that point. Hopefully it gets on Cass's target list. Then I zoom as soon as pBump called me primary and I started to get yellowboxes. Hopefully his fleet wastes time pumping useless ammo after me. Once you think pBump is committed to the fight, you want to get back within point range. It's ok to not immediately apply points, particularly in a combat BC/cruiser/CBC fight like this one. In an Attack BC, dps is engaging out of point range and they're relying on tackle to apply pressure. Here you can wait for pBump to get preoccupied and then close.

Now, GROON doesn't have the greatest target calling discipline so even if pBump never called you you'll still get yellowboxes. But, you know, it can be manageable.

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Alan »

I was zoomed in too close for most of the fight, I think I was at about 30 km out, and was setting orbit at 28 km with MWD on - I think my overheated point range in that fight was something like 30-31 km. I wasn't zoomed out far enough to be able to tell where in relation to the center of the fight I was, so I was just trying to pick a target that wasn't already taking damage. I hadn't thought of the idea of orbiting a friendly ship and just relying the length of the point, that sounds like a better idea than orbiting in an out of the mass of enemy ships unless I'm going for something in particular.

I'm not sure what killed me, guns or the drones, but when I started taking damage I wasn't even sure what was damaging me, and didn't know what had yellow or red boxed me.

I spent several hours yesterday soloing with no success. ... l_id=82634
I was in a lowsec pocket and found a miner in an NPC corp, that I think was an out of corp alt for someone in one of these corps, because as soon as I got it into armor the Huginn and Broadsword landed on grid and I warped away. Several minutes later I ran into their gatecamp and got instalocked and scrammed on decloaking. I tried to burn back to the gate with my AB but got double-webbed. ... l_id=82655
This was just a bad decision, I saw both the enyo and algos on dscan before warping in, but for some reason thought the algos was a frigate. I thought I might be able to out-dps the enyo but this is not true.

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Jonathan »

Did the Huginn/Broadsword gang set up on the exit to the pocket and you jumped into them?

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Jonathan »

If so, then you could have noticed them leaving local and reasoned they were trying to catch you (assuming there was only one way out). That's when you dock and go get some coffee.

I have definitely had trouble with ending fights alive but being caught shortly afterward due to being insufficiently cautious.

When you know you can take individual members of what's on scan, but together they'll overwhelm you, warp in at 100. If they make a mistake, you get a kill and warp off to dock and repair. If not, you slide out without difficulty. Pulling range after landing at 0 can be really hard.

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Alan »

I do think they did set up to catch me - the Broadsword followed me for a while and I think he noticed that I slowly making my way through all the systems in the pocket, scanning them down, and moving on. I think the system they set up in was actually one system before the exit to the pocket, so I might have been able to avoid them if I'd reversed course. Or logged for a while.

I had a pretty fun fight to end my roam yesterday - I ran into a rail Atron while flying an armor-tanked Firetail. Me being slow as fuck, he was orbiting me at 15-20 km. I threw an optimal range scripted TD on him which meant it took forever for him to chip away at me, and meanwhile alternated between trying to slingshot him into my 13 km overheated web range or out of his 20 km point range. I forgot during the fight that I could've overheated my AB, but finally was able to slip into warp at about 1/3 structure.

During the roam I found two Comets at a plex, while looking the pilots up I saw they both tended to fly blaster ships with no webs, and carried T1 drones. I took too long to decide whether to take them on (I was fucking around looking at their fits in EFT) and they moved on.

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Alan »


Pro: I killed a ship worth more than mine!
Con: I forgot to loot his wreck, and I wasn't paying attention and burned out my midslots while he was still in armor. Luckily he wasn't heads up enough to notice and didn't warp away.

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Jonathan »

Well, at least he wasn't carrying any serious change.

Pretty nice. Did you kill his drones or just overload and bake him?

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Alan »

Overloaded and baked him. I think I caught him completely by surprise, because he didn't even launch his drones until he was close to half armor.

I'm on the leaderboard! Hahaha.
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Re: STIM fights

Post by Jonathan »

Alright, it's time for me to get a little bit serious about this game again. June 4 is right around corner, after all. I have got to get T2 HML and round out my launcher skills, as there's a bunch of hulls that will be cool missile hulls soon. I'm about a week away from Large T2 Pulses, so then I will be fully Oracle-ready.

Here's what I think I need to stage:

T1 shield cruiser fleet:
Rupture, arty
Rupture, AC

T1 armor cruiser fleet:
Not sure: Omen?
Not sure: Guardian?

Chicken fleet:

Lowsex scout:
No freakin' clue. I need like a lowsec theory of fleet fights.

Attack (née Tier 3) BC:
Oracle, pulse
Nado, arty - I don't care for the 800 nado
Dual MSE Stiletto
Not sure: FC Boat?

Serious Business fleet:
Armor Loki
Armageddon, every neut

Home defense, no FC:
Scythe Fleet Issue

Home defense, organized:
Not sure: Armageddon?
Prophecy, links
Cyclone, links
Absolution, links
Sleipnir, links

Naga fleet:

Sov space roam:
Claymore/Sleipnir, links
Rapier, probes
Not sure? DPS


Bombs: Lulz

I have a Tempest and a Typhoon and I have no idea what I would do with them. Maybe I'll try to trade for the Amarr BS.

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Re: STIM fights

Post by Jonathan »

Navy Omen is on that list, probably. Probably as home defense and sov space roam.

Navy Cane makes me a sad panda. I am initially unsure what to do with a Navy Harb.

This one time, people flew EAF. It made me laugh and laugh.

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Re: STIM fights

Post by quantus »

Jonathan wrote:Lowsex
Freudian slip?
Have you clicked today? Check status, then: People, Jobs or Roads

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