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Remember Alex Chiu?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:07 pm
by Alan

Well he's come out with a new brilliant invention, the Gorgeouspil (TM pending).
"In order for her to say that you're very handsome for a Chinese guy is actually a very good compliment."
"You can see that I don't look like a regular Asian person. I didn't used to look like this, my friends say that before taking Gorgeouspil I look like somebody who just came from China you know, but right now I look a little mix, you can't really tell that I'm 100% Chinese or...I look kind of mix."

Hahahahaha man...
ATTENTION: Gorgeouspil cannot function without the rings. So if you want to take Gorgeouspil, you need the rings.

Re: Remember Alex Chiu?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:18 pm
by Alan ... re=related

"Check this out, I got perfect belly!"
I was born in San Francisco in 1971. Since my parents were already talking about a divorce, right after my birth I was sent to Taiwan where my grand parents raised me up. I am not a Taiwanese. I am Chinese, and I wish China will one day take Taiwan back, peacefully or by force, at any cost! A Taiwanese who does not consider himself to be Chinese does not deserve to become immortal. So if that's you, my product is not for you. I only have an AS degree which I got in City College of San Francisco. After that, I worked for a few years and then filed a patent for Immortality Device. I practice Iching (Chinese astrology) and Chinese medicine. I worked for Japanese companies as sales and as a sushi chef for nearly 8 years before I started my own business. I have only one patent in hand which was issued in October 1999, which is the most important patent in the world! (immortality)

Re: Remember Alex Chiu?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:21 pm
by Alan
I am not a Jew, but I completely believe in the Jewish Religion. I read the Tanakh. (old testament) I am a typical inventor who always keep things straight forward and honest. Without being honest about things, it's hard to invent solutions which can solve problems.
And yet, he wears a crucifix...

Asian(-who-kind-of-look-mix) (not-)Jews(-but-completely-believe-in-the-Jewish-Religion) for Jesus?

Re: Remember Alex Chiu?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:27 pm
by Alan

Oh man...

Alex: "I'm gonna go to the clubs, I'm going to party, until I'm 300 year old."

Interviewer: "Are you a club guy Alex?"

Alex: "Yeah, kind of..>I don't go dancing but I go to strip clubs a lot[...]you know how the bars, guys have to constantly talk to girls, I hate that, I don't like to talk to girls at all."

Re: Remember Alex Chiu?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 7:31 pm
by quantus
Who is/was this dude? Seems like he thought he was diving into the deep end and hit his head in the kiddy pool...

Re: Remember Alex Chiu?

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:16 pm
by Vyrosama
despite all this I wonder how "products" he has sold.....

he is amusing to listen to though....makes you wonder if he realizes what he is actually saying sometimes though...


Re: Remember Alex Chiu?

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:33 am
by Alan
Vyrosama wrote:he is amusing to listen to though....makes you wonder if he realizes what he is actually saying sometimes though...
I don't think he's used to talking to real live people.

Re: Remember Alex Chiu?

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 6:20 pm
by Dave
Did this guy go to CMU or something?

Re: Remember Alex Chiu?

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:44 pm
by Jonathan
I only have an AS degree which I got in City College of San Francisco.